How God’s Truth Can Set a Family Free

This is a unique story of healing from allergies. An entire family was changed as the parents began to apply the truth of God’s Word. When the parents began to walk in freedom and trust God, the kids were healed from extreme food allergies.

Anxiety leads to Allergies

My husband and I were both raised in the church and have always loved Jesus. We have been married for 18 years and have four beautiful children. I love my husband, and I have always considered our marriage to be strong. We have sought to follow the Lord our entire lives and taught our children to do the same. God has always been faithful to lead us, and we have long desired more of Him.

A few years ago, our oldest daughter started to struggle with some unexplained anxiety. At first, it started with feeling anxious about things going on at school. She would come home complaining of headaches and stomach aches and needing to work through situations that had occurred during the day. Soon after, she started having hives and reacting to foods she had eaten. We thought it was strange that our healthy girl could no longer eat foods she had eaten her entire life. We felt it was connected to the anxiety, but we did not understand the correlation. So we sought specialists and began the traditional management methods of extreme food allergies, which involved avoiding common foods like dairy, gluten, broccoli, pineapple, pork, tomatoes, etc.

A diagnosis that affected our whole lives

After the diagnosis, we oriented our entire family around our daughter’s food allergies. We could no longer cook like we used to; we spent a lot of time shopping for approved groceries and planning for situations where she would encounter food outside our home. Our daughter experienced even more anxiety because she was now scared that she would react badly to foods she would eat, so it was a vicious cycle. Her attacks were becoming worse to the point of her struggling to breathe. Our next step was needing an epi-pen for emergencies.

The stress of our daughter’s allergies, plus the difficulties during 2020, started to put tension in our marriage. We found ourselves coming around the same disagreements over and over. Life difficulties had led to marriage difficulties, which did not lead to more peace in our home and for our children.

A More Excellent Way

I always believed there was healing available from God for our daughter, but I did not understand why it did not happen. I prayed for her constantly; I cried out to God for her healing. I believed His Word and that it was His will for healing, so I wondered why she and many people in the church were often sick like the rest of the world.

About ten years prior, I had seen a friend be radically healed and set free from depression. It had gained my attention, and I wanted to learn more. She had been to Be in Health® and recommended A More Excellent Way by Dr. Henry W. Wright. When I finally bought the book in 2020 and began to read it, I learned a lot of wonderful things. The first thing was that fear was a spirit, not just a feeling. I wept the day I discovered this truth because I knew that if it was an attack from the devil, we could fight back and win!

Though we had never considered ourselves “fearful” people, the spirit of fear was a huge thing for us. We had a family history of anxiety and depression streaming through both sides of our families. And it had obviously started to affect our kids’ health.

Godly Order

Although I started to see some pieces of the puzzle, my husband was not yet ready. I felt the Holy Spirit leading us to go to Be in Health, and I was starting to learn the principles of Godly Order, so I knew I could not push him to go. I leaned into God, gave Him the situation, and asked Him to change my husband’s heart. In the Spring of 2022, God answered my prayers and he became open to coming to Be in Health.

In June, he had time off from work, and family members were able to watch our kids so we could go to the For My Life® Retreat. Though there were still many difficulties in coming to Thomaston, God was faithful, and so was my husband, in leading us there. This journey helped me learn to trust my husband as the spiritual leader of our home and to follow his leading.

Generational Blessings

It is important to note that our children did not come with us to the For My Life Retreat. In fact, we did not tell them we were going for any type of healing. We told them that we were going to learn more about God. We went in faith, believing that if we applied the truth of God’s Word to our lives, it would affect our children positively.

1 Corinthians 7:14 has always stood out to us as a promise of our children being affected for the good by what we, as parents, do. We believed our children could be sanctified and healed because of our obedience to God’s commandments.

For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy. I Corinthians 7:14 KJV

For My Life

When we finally went to the For My Life Retreat in June, we learned that healing comes when you line up with God’s Word. We were taught how thoughts and feelings affect our body systems. We learned that worry was sin, and that constant anxiety can compromise the immune system because of excess cortisol. The directors over the Retreat told us the possible spiritual root of allergies is a spirit of fear. Another important thing we learned was that iniquity can be inherited, and what we do (or what our generations have done) can affect our children and their health!

The For My Life Retreat was a safe place to learn all of these things we needed to start our journey of overcoming. Our mindsets changed as we were renewed by the truth of God’s Word. It was an amazing week and felt like a second honeymoon for us. My husband and I became more united as we walked through repentance and deliverance together. Our eyes were opened to so much truth, and we had a huge breakthrough and healing for our marriage. Receiving the Father’s Love and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit were glorious experiences for us. Separation was also a key teaching so that we could see others and ourselves with more love, and not as one with those spirits.

Walk out Journey

Coming home, people noticed the new peace we had. My husband stepped into his authority in our home and became a wonderful covering for our family. He anointed our children and prayed for them. Two days later, our daughter had an allergy attack, but it went away much more quickly as we cast out a spirit of fear and gave it no place. After that, she said she “felt different,” and we knew she was healed. We rejoiced and hugged her! We explained that she was now free to eat whatever she wanted because through Dad and Mom receiving healing in their hearts and minds, healing had come to her, and ALL FOOD was safe for her to eat!

Since June, we have started eating normally and going out to eat again. It has been a journey to not give into fear about eating regular foods again, but we keep praying, and I am happy to say that all allergies are gone! Even our younger daughters, who had started experiencing some night fears and the beginning of stomach aches, are all better. We have seen evidence of this Scripture in our lives:

Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:14-16 KJV

When we confessed our faults and repented of our disobedience to God, we saw healing come not only to us—but to our entire family.

True Freedom

Our marriage has been blessed since coming home because we are now in agreement and of one spirit. My husband has taken on the responsibility for our household’s spirituality, and I am in agreement with him. We feel more connected and in love. We have more joy in our relationship and our family. My husband has had huge breakthroughs with the spirit of unloving, and he has stopped having restless leg syndrome at night.

We also feel more equipped to recognize the enemy’s attacks and rebuke him. Our children are lighter and brighter. They know who Jesus is and see huge changes in Dad and Mom. We are teaching them to have the tools they need to stand on the truth for themselves. We have declared that we have a NEW, fresh bloodline.

He can set you free

If anyone is considering going to Be in Health, we encourage you to go. There is hope for you in Jesus Christ. Our Father created us, and He understands us much better than any other counselor, doctor, or even we think we do. His promises for us in the Bible are true: that there IS healing for all our diseases and iniquities. This holds true for all diseases, not just food allergies!

The folks at Be in Health will help connect you with Him. The teachers and staff were so nice and always there for us along the way. They made repentance and deliverance seem normal, not weird at all. We are so grateful to have been drawn to Be in Health by the Holy Spirit—and to each one who taught us, ministered to us, and prayed with us: our lives will never be the same. Thank you so much. We are telling everyone we know to take a chance and go to Thomaston, GA! We give God all the glory and are so grateful to Jesus for what He did for us.

Julie K.

When parents walk in spiritual freedom, it affects the entire family. The Father wants to give us so much more than eternal life. He wants us to abide in His Kingdom here on this earth, as His sons and daughters. Jesus Christ came so that you can have true freedom in Him and be healed. Jesus told us in John about the importance of knowing truth:

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32 KJV

Only Jesus Christ can heal you and make you free.

Do you want to know what the Bible teaches about true, spiritual freedom?

God wants you to break free from the bondage of sickness, and He has a plan for your recovery and complete healing. Be in Health has over 30 years of experience teaching and ministering to people who are afflicted with every manner of disease with astounding results of healing and restoration. Tens of thousands of people have come to our For My Life Retreats with mental and physical health issues, spiritual strongholds in their lives, and relationship breakdowns, and they left with new hope, healing, and peace in God through Jesus Christ.

Are you ready to take the next step toward your healing and recovery from arthritis pain?

We invite you to join us for the For My Life Retreat. It’s available in person at the Be in Health/Hope of the Generations Church campus in Thomaston, Georgia. Or, if you are unable to travel at this time, we also have an online version of the For My Life Course.

Be in Health is a safe place to learn how to grow up as an overcomer and to discover God’s incredible love, grace, and mercy toward you.


The Be in Health Team

Find out more about our For My Life Retreats!

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