I am changed® is a collection of stories and testimonies from people whose lives have been transformed by God through the Biblical teachings of Be in Health and the For My Life Retreat. #iamchanged
Watch and Read Recent Testimonies
God has an Awesome Plan for Us! - Greg & Joanne's Testimony #TestimonyTuesday
Healed from Traumatic Brain Injury, PTSD & Chronic Pain - J.W.'s Testimony
I'm Walking in Freedom! Healed from Depression, Anxiety, and Self Harm! Deenah's Testimony
I'm Not Looking Back! - Overcoming Generational Iniquity - Jerome's Testimony #testimonytuesday
Healed from Allergies! Family Transformed! So Much Freedom! - Fred's Testimony #testimonytuesday
God Set Me Free! Healed from Neurological Damage - Lizzy's Testimony
I Didn't Completely Trust God - Overcoming Fear - Brenda's Testimony
I Feel Peace! Delivered from Judgmentalism, Criticism, and a Hard Heart - Avra's Testimony
Overcoming "Spiritual" Burnout - Doug's Testimony #testimonytuesday
God Healed My Body! Degenerative Disc Disease and Spinal Stenosis Gone! - Chandler's Testimony
I'm Whole Now! Delivered from Depression, Anxiety, Lack of Identity and Occultism - Jenn's Testimony
I am Loved and I am Valued! Healed from Migraines & Chronic Fatigue - Elisa's Testimony
Family Transformed! Children at Peace! The Strife is Gone! - Jessica's Testimony #testimonytuesday
I'M FREE! - Bitterness Gone, Marriage Transformed - Kim's Testimony #testimonytuesday
Pastor Jackson Healed of Cancer
Jamie Healed from Over 20 Different Diseases
Desiree Healed of Graves' Disease
Browns' Testimony of God's Transforming Power
Amy Overcame Fear and It Affected Her Whole Family
My Life was Stolen by the Enemy - Healed from Autoimmune Diseases - Janice & Jr's Testimony
Healed from Depression, Mental Illness, Addictions & More - Jazzy's Testimony #testimonytuesday
Healed from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Endometriosis, Infertility & More! - Ashley's Testimony
Marriage Restored, Body Healed, Osteopenia, Fibromyalgia and Depression Gone - Julie's Testimony
Healed from Acute Diverticulitis - Angela's Testimony #Testimony Tuesday
Healed from Multiple Chemical Sensitivities & Chronic Fatigue! Sandra's Testimony #TestimonyTuesday
Healed from Learning Disabilities, Depression and More! - Sonja's Testimony #Testimony Tuesday
Healed from MCS/EI, Chronic Fatigue, Depression & More! Dery's Testimony #TestimonyTuesday
The Heaviness is GONE! Healed from Depression - Monica's Testimony #TestimonyTuesday
I Had Italian for Lunch & It Was Wonderful! - Emily Healed of Gluten Allergies - #TestimonyTuesday
I Got a Brand New Heart! Heart Healed, Asthma Gone - Darlene's Testimony - #TestimonyTuesday
Out of Bondage! Healed from MCS/EI - Missy's Testimony #TestimonyTuesday
Healed from Cancer! Hodgkin's Lymphoma Gone! - Jenny's Testimony #TestimonyTuesday
I'm Standing! I'm Walking! - Tamara's Testimony - #testimonytuesday
Heart Arrhythmia Healed! Fear Overcome! - Amy's Testimony - #testimonytuesday
Psoriasis Disappeared, PTSD Gone, Diabetes Healed! - Jake & Penny #testimonytuesday
Depression Gone, Hypothyroidism Healed! - Pam's Testimony - #testimonytuesday
So Thankful! Emily - Healed from Fibromyalgia, MCS/EI, Hypoglycemia and More! - #TestimonyTuesday
Unspeakable peace! Healed from Back Pain & Rheumatism - Sue's Testimony #TestimonyTuesday
Healed from Infertility – Claudio’s Testimony – #TestimonyTuesday
Healed from Infertility
Teaching and Testimonies On Marriage and Godly Order
God Healed My Heart, and Health is a Bonus - Angelica's Testimony #TestimonyTuesday
Nobody Even had to Pray for Me! - Don's Testimony #TestimonyTuesday
Healed in Two Days - Tom's Testimony #TestimonyTuesday
Determined to Walk This Out - Jerry's Testimony #TestimonyTuesday
Created to Soar - Steve's Testimony #TestimonyTuesday
Cured of the Incurable! - Christine's Testimony #TestimonyTuesday
Personally Touched by God - Clint's Testimony #TestimonyTuesday
A Family Transformed! - Mike #Testimony Tuesday
Julie: Learning about True Identity #TestimonyTuesday
Read more testimonies:
Nick’s Journey of Overcoming MCS/EI
Healing from Autoimmune Disease
Healing from Allergies
Are There Spiritual Root Causes of MCS/EI?
Can God Heal Cancer?
How God’s Truth Can Set a Family Free
Can Arthritis Be Healed?
Delivered from Fear
My Journey of Healing from Lymphoma
How to Walk in Freedom from Sin
God Knows How to Heal PTSD Spiritually
I Am Enough! – Healed Of Hemorrihoids
I Am Accepted And Loved!
Walking In Freedom – Healed Of MCS/EI
I Am In A State Of Changed From Glory To Glory!
God’s Love in the Darkest Time
A Journey Of Spiritual Healing
The Wonderful Works of God
Healed of Allergies and Pain!
Healed of MCS/EI
Healed of Sleep Apnea
Family Restored
Healed of PTSD and Depression
Son Freed from Bitterness and Family Restored
Rebuilding Our Marriage
Marriage Restored: A Journey Out of the Desert
Healed of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Overcoming Thyroid Cancer
Overcame Postpartum Psychosis
Woman Healed of Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and Environmental Illness (MCS/EI)
Healed of Irregular Menstrual Cycle and Infertility
Healed of High Blood Pressure, Urinary Tract Infections, and Interstitial Cystitis
Healed of Graves Disease
Janice’s Testimony – Condensed KMY
Everyday Overcoming – Janet’s Testimony
Overcoming Breast Cancer – Jaque’s Testimony
Healed of Bulemia, Hypothryroidism, GERD, Allergies, Panic Attacks and Depression
Finding Joy on the Journey
Baby Healed of Skin Disease
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Recent Blog Posts
In-depth articles written by the Be In Health team to deepen your knowledge.
Biblical Insights into Suicide and Forgiveness
My heart grieves that we lose so many precious people to suicide. Every. Single. Life. is [...]
Ending the Blame Game
Have you ever wondered why lying and blame-shifting is such a major problem? It is becoming [...]
Speaking in Tongues
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