Learning Disabilities Reversed – A Testimony

Learning Disabilities don’t have to be a lifetime pronouncement!

A learning disability diagnosis such as Autism is generally believed to be a lifetime pronouncement. It can be discouraging for both the parents and the child. At Be in Health®, we have seen lasting results of learning disabilities being reversed when families receive the Biblical keys to freedom and their home once again lines up in Godly order. The Osborne family is just such a case, they shared this exciting testimony with us, we hope it encourages you as well:

The Osborne family’s testimony

When we came to the For My Life® Retreat as a family in July 2013, we came mainly for me. However, my husband and I had been praying for nearly 5 years for my son that had been diagnosed with Autism (Asperger’s Syndrome) when he was 3 1/2.

She knew that there was something wrong

I had known something was not right since he was younger, but could not convince anyone else. From 3 1/2 to 8 years old I did EVERYTHING a diligent and “responsible” mother is supposed to do in order to get help for a child with special needs. I cannot even begin to count the number of hours that were spent at doctors, psychologists, therapists (of multiple sorts), in IEP meetings with the school district, meetings with teachers and coordinators, insurance, etc.

The diagnosis impacted everything

The burden was very heavy and very much impacted my health and ways of thinking. My husband and I continued to believe and pray for his healing because we knew it would come from God alone. Of course, we had been told that this was a life-long diagnosis, but neither of us believed that. However, until we saw the healing we figured we needed to get every kind of help we could for him and we did – at great expense in many areas.

Then another bombshell

After 3 years of treatment, his sister began preschool. I had never had any thought toward her having autism (and she did not). However, I started to see some very odd things with her acquisition of information. After two years of preschool, she could not retain her own name (which only has four letters). She could not name letters or numbers or even recognize them. Some people were telling me that she just needed to mature more, but I knew something was wrong.

I had them both tested by a 20 year veteran of children’s education from a local private school. She came to me after the test and said, “I believe your son will not have many problems in school in terms of mastering the information they are teaching. However, I am very concerned about your daughter. I have never seen anything like what I am seeing.”

It became hard to cope

This sent me into a very long downward loop. Here I was again, at the beginning of an unknown path, knowing that I was going to have to find my way again. For a year, I did everything I knew to do, but she did not improve. And my health and peace vanished. By the spring of 2013 I was pretty much housebound. I was having constant panic attacks and could no longer deal with life. Grasping to what I had read in A More Excellent Way, by Dr. Henry Wright, I began begging my husband to let me go to the For My Life® Retreat. For four years he had not wanted me to go. But I was desperate. I knew I could not continue like this. I was losing my life and my mind.

Finally some hope!

He agreed that I should go in June 2013 and we also booked a time for our family to go in July 2013. It was amazing. My husband’s favorite teaching was Godly Order. This absolutely floored me, but I was grateful!!

Since coming home, we have definitely been in “walk out”. A lot of the time the “walk out” has been intense. I want to share though what we have seen in our children.

Seeing true progress

My son that was diagnosed with Autism has completely done a 180. I type this and still I think, “Really God. Is this really happening?” But just yesterday, my husband and I were discussing the many things that have changed in him (both outwardly and inwardly). We are not the only ones that have noticed. Our son has been working with a particular therapist for 1 1/2 yrs. The therapist was aware of us going to For My Life® and I have shared a lot of the information with her along the journey.

A whole new approach

Since coming back, we have really changed the way we institute change for our son. Previously, we would come up with a coping strategy and try to implement it to bring relief. Since coming back we speak about the issue, I tell the therapist that my husband and I are going to pray for wisdom, and then when we get it we talk and pray with our son and tell her.

She has watched over the last year the progress. Three months ago she told me that she believed if he were to be re-evaluated by a psychologist she does not think that he would be diagnosed with Autism any longer (she has been working with children on the spectrum including her own for 13 years). She believes that if he had any diagnosis it would be “downgraded” to OCD. I told her that was very encouraging, and that we know that OCD is basically fear, stress, anxiety and we would continue to walk this out with him.

Therapist says her help is no longer necessary

Last week the therapist came to me and, even though Justus still has 5 more months of treatment on his plan, said she would agree with me if I wanted to stop all treatment. My husband and I had been thinking along those same lines for a month.

Their daughter was restored too!

As for my daughter, God really did something in her brain in March of this year. We don’t know what, but all of a sudden she started to learn. After a month of being in shock, I talked to her teacher. She also was amazed. She had not done anything differently, but realized in the same time period, that my daughter’s brain had started retaining information.

I cannot even believe this, but my daughter can read. It is slow, but is amazing for someone who could not even tell me consistently the letter “A” eight months ago and is now reading! But the best part is this: She started saying, “I am smart. I can read. I am one of the smartest at reading in my class.”

This was shocking! I had begun to see so much unloving in her towards herself in the year prior. She had even said she was “stupid”. This broke my heart to the very core. But to hear her now say how smart she perceived herself to be was AMAZING!!!

They are not perfect but God’s got them covered

I also want to let those reading know this – my husband and I are NOT perfect. We did not hear the Godly order teacher and “presto” change it all. We are still walking things out. We still see codependency in ways that we cannot even unravel ourselves, but need to wait on the Father to walk us step by step. I say this to encourage parents that God sees your heart and He will work in your children’s lives when you are in the “grey”. Thank you, Father God!!!!!

-P. Osborne


Learning disabilities are not God’s will.

Learning disabilities can be reversed; they don’t have to be a lifetime struggle. In fact, it is not God’s will that people should have to struggle with them. He wants to see His people restored to what He wonderfully designed them to be, of a stable and a sound mind.

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Psalm 139:14 KJV


The Be in Health® Team


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A More Excellent Way:

If you are new to our ministry, Dr. Henry W. Wright’s book, A More Excellent Way is a great place to start. It supplies profound knowledge about the secrets of healing and the prevention of disease. Using sound scripture and scientific observation, Dr. Henry Wright leads the reader on a journey of personal responsibility, identifying root causes to specific diseases and offering pathways of healing and wholeness that were never meant to remain dormant in the body of Christ. Here, you will understand why mankind has disease, identify specific blocks to healing, and discover spiritual pathways to health.

Resources and For My Life:

In addition to reading materials and teachings, Be in Health® offers the For My Life® Retreat. This is a one-week getaway where participants can come and receive the insights and instruction that they need in order to be recovered in their spirit, soul, and body. The fruits of this retreat have been profound; tens of thousands of people have experienced healing not only in their bodies and hearts but also in their relationships. Our team members are excited to come alongside you in this overcoming journey to discovering God’s true heart and plans for your life and for your health.

By Be in Health| 2025-03-20T14:43:49-05:00 February 8th, 2019|Disease, For My Life, Overcoming, Testimony|0 Comments
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