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    Is There a Connection Between Broken Relationships and Health?

    Paula was sick with MCS/EI for 13 years after an estranged relationship left her with a broken heart. God completely healed her after coming through For My Life®. She has been healed of migraines, MCS/EI, plantar fasciitis, shoulder pain, and broken relationships. Is there a connection between broken relationships and health? Here is her story of healing in God.

    I was diagnosed with MCS/EI in 2005. I thought it came from chemicals because I sprayed them every year around my house. At that time, I had no idea what spiritual roots were. In fact, I had never even heard of this.

    Marriage Restored

    In August of 2018, I came to Be in Health® because my marriage was on the rocks. I learned about the verse in Proverbs that says: “the curse causeless shall not come.” This verse resonated with me. I learned that all sin was against God and that I had no right to hold onto offences. I went home and my marriage was restored.

    As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come. Proverbs 26:2 KJV

    In November of 2018, I bought the teaching resource on Fear and came to City of Refuge, which is the full For My Life Retreat at a reduced cost. While I was here this time, I got a call saying my dad was very sick with pancreatic cancer. I longed to go to him but that was impossible because we were estranged and had been for 30 years. I called my stepmom to see if I should go see him or not, yet my dad continued to forbid me to come so I finished out my week in Thomaston, GA.

    Healed of MCS/EI, Chronic Migraines, and Plantar Fasciitis

    When I got home, God miraculously restored my relationship with my father and gave me 10 precious months to tell him I loved him and him to tell me he loved me before he died—something neither of us had ever done before. The estrangement many years ago had broken my heart and I had cried for months. Then, 17 years later, I was diagnosed with MCS/EI. By coming to Be in Health and learning what the Word of God says about disease and a broken heart, my MCS/EI was completely healed. I was also healed of chronic migraines and plantar fasciitis.

    Shoulders Healed

    In 2020, I began having pain in my right shoulder. I thought it was a torn rotator cuff since I had gone on a hike and carried a grandchild in a backpack. I did not want to have surgery so I decided I would live with it. Then in 2023, I began having similar problems with my left shoulder and the problems in the right one was getting much worse to the point I could not sleep without a pillow under it to prop it up. God showed me what the possible spiritual roots behind this pain could be and I immediately began to repent. The next morning my left shoulder was healed and the right one was much better. Two months later, my right shoulder was also healed.

    My advice: Never stop trusting God. If He has brought you to this site, trust that He is giving you some of the most significant knowledge you will ever receive. Come to the For My Life Retreat and find out the truth about who you are really in Christ and who you are really battling against so that you can overcome.

    Find out more about our For My Life Retreats!

    Is there a connection between broken relationships and health? Absolutely!

    Be in Health offers Biblical insights into the possible spiritual roots of disease®. With more than 30 years of ministering to the Body of Christ, we’ve been able to identify specific root issues that are generally consistent through each disease type. From a Biblical foundation, we believe that healing begins in our spirit. We have observed that over 80% of incurable diseases are rooted in breakdown at one or more of these three levels: separation from yourself and your identity in God, separation from others, and, most importantly, separation from God. We want to restore you to wholeness in fellowship with God, yourself, and others and teach you the Biblical insights that will set you free so you can walk in wholeness in your spirit, soul, and body!

    Would you like to walk in health and wholeness?

    We invite you to join us for the week-long For My Life Retreat. It’s available in person at the Be in Health/Hope of the Generations Church campus in Thomaston, Georgia. Or, if you are unable to travel at this time, we also have an online version of the For My Life Course.

    Be in Health is a safe place to learn how to grow up as an overcomer and to discover God’s incredible love, grace, and mercy toward you.


    The Be in Health Team


    Resources about the connection between relationships and health:


     In this book, Dr. Wright presents a thoroughly biblical and compelling case for healing. A More Excellent Way by Dr. Henry W. WrightDr. Henry W. Wright's teaching about the spiritual root causes of MCS/EI and Biblical insights into how to overcome it and be healed!


    Would you like to read more about the connection between broken relationships and health?

    Are There Spiritual Root Causes of MCS/EI? 

    Overcoming Fear 

    Walking in Freedom – Healed of MCS/EI 

    By Be in Health| 2023-08-18T10:24:22-05:00 August 18th, 2023|Testimony|0 Comments