When disease comes on us and threatens to overwhelm us, it’s natural to want a quick fix. However, sometimes there is a journey to healing. God is more interested in healing a person completely- in their spirit, soul, and body- than just fixing the physical issue and then leaving them with the spiritual issue that caused the disease in the first place. God is long-suffering and patient towards us in our overcomers’ journey; the challenge is, can we be long-suffering and patient towards ourselves?
Leslie shared a wonderful testimony of God’s faithfulness and lovingkindness to lead her to healing, even though it didn’t happen the way she expected. We pray that you are inspired and encouraged by her testimony. Remember, God is for you, not against you. He wants to lead you to health and wholeness in every area of your life. Why? Because He loves you!
Leslie’s Testimony:
In August 2010, I was diagnosed with a form of lymphoma that I was told had no cure and no treatment. I was 36 years old, in the prime of my life, and had a wonderful husband and seven precious children ages 15 to 18 months. I was so shocked and so afraid! But I read in God’s Word, “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.” (Psalm 118:17). Through my incredible journey to healing, I learned to cling to God’s Word and never let go though I could not see any physical reason to hope.
When my husband and I were reading the book, A More Excellent Way (by Dr. Henry W. Wright), it was eye-opening, and we knew that God had led us to something real, with answers. So, we followed up by attending many For My Life Retreats, reading books, listening to CDs, and even tapping into the Spiritual Lifeline; literally, everything Be in Health offered! God was using His Word, little by little, to renew our minds! It was a process.
But despite all that we had done over the years the disease was still present and progressing slowly within my body. There were times when I was in despair, and I could not see the way, but He would remind me, “What did I say?” and I recalled, “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.” This was my anchor! I could not look at circumstances and symptoms. Like Peter during the storm, I needed to keep my eyes on Jesus, or I’d sink beneath the waves. (Matt 14:28-31)
An unexpected twist in my healing journey
In May 2020, last spring, I was dying. I was offered palliative chemotherapy as my lymph system was full of multiplied white blood cells (WBC) and now so was my marrow, leaving no room for my body to produce red blood cells, platelets, or anything good. I could hardly walk because my body could no longer effectively deliver enough oxygen to my cells.
It made no sense to me why I was dying, as I had humbled myself and had asked Him, and He had helped me in so many ways. I had the faith that God would heal me supernaturally. But I had to let it all go. I could not trust in my own works; I had to let Him save me, realizing that I could do nothing. I had no strength, no goodness, and no ability, but He did. So, I asked the Lord, “What do you want me to do?” He said, “Wives submit to your husbands in all things.” Eph. 5:24 What!? ALL things? My husband felt that the Lord was speaking to him that He did want me to take chemo! That was the last thing I wanted. But in obedience to God’s Word, I bowed my stiff neck and said, “Alright, Lord.” I realize now that either continuing to wait for supernatural healing or taking the medical route took faith and obedience; and only one way was the Lord’s.
God joined me in my recovery process
The first round of chemotherapy went amazingly well. My white blood cell count went from 366 to 7 (normal is 4-10) in less than one month! The oncologist was surprised and told me he had never hoped for such an early, deep response. God was doing a work! In fact, I felt good enough that my husband and I went away for a quick trip between treatments. But on our trip, terror that had been hiding and brooding throughout most of my life was manifested. However, the Lord had prepared my good husband in advance on how to deal with it! We had done the For My Life Retreat online late last winter with our entire family. As a result, my husband was made aware of a spirit of rejection that had influenced him for years and had dealt with it. Therefore, when this thing in me manifested, he did NOT respond as he normally would have responded. He was able to see what was happening and knew what to do! He helped me repent of the fear and shame and terror that had been haunting me for most of my life. And freedom came! God is so good! Once the root was identified, the enemy was driven off with a quick prayer of authority. I knew I was free.
Finally cured from Lymphoma!
When we went home, the following five months of chemo went perfectly. My body was in a place to respond as God had already faithfully done the inner work. By August, only three months into the chemo, my red blood cell count was normal! As of last December, only six months from when the treatment had started, my oncologist wrote that I was asymptomatic! God has kept His promise even though it took many years for the complete healing to occur. My husband and I delightfully have begun to walk in the freedom the Lord has given us. I am alive, and I am well and declaring to you what He has done!!!
My encouragement for you on your journey of healing
Do not let go, and don’t stop living as you go on your own personal journey! The journey may be long (mine was ten years), but God also has many blessings along the way. Mine included three miracle baby boys with normal pregnancies over that period. That makes ten children for our family! God wanted them here, and cancer wasn’t going to stop Him unless we went into fear and let the enemy steal what was rightfully ours, paid for by Jesus. We did our best to live life to the fullest as if I was already healed, never missing holidays or any other family time and outings. We kept going forward and chose to rest in His peace which truly does “passeth all understanding.” (Phil 4:7) God truly can “prepare a table before me in the presence of mine enemies”! (Ps 23:5)
God does have the answers
“He faithfully watches over His Word to perform it.” (Jer. 1:12). Ask Him and listen to what He says. “Lean not on your own understanding” (Prov. 4: 5-6). Be open to His way, and do not let that go! He will cause it to come to pass in His own way and in His own time. He is faithful. (1 Thess. 5:24).
– Leslie B.
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The True Cure for Cancer – The Possible Spiritual Roots of Cancer – Biblical insights into what may cause cancer and how you can overcome it in your life (or resist getting it in the first place).
The Spiritual Roots of Disease – Uncovering the Spiritual Causes & Roots of Disease -Discover why we get sick and how to overcome disease in your life. An excellent first step on your journey to healing.
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