Once a year, we offer For My Life Walk Out for the whole family; that is the For My Life Walk Out Adult, For My Life Walk Out Youth (ages 13-17), and For My Life Walk Out Kids (ages 6-12) Retreat all in the same week! This is an opportunity for the whole family to learn to walk out the principals taught in For My Life.

For My Life Walk Out Kids:
Through fun activities, games, and interactive teachings, discover things like your identity created in the image of God, how to unravel generational iniquity, activating the spiritual weapons God has given you, and so much more! Come spend the week with us, becoming God’s Special Agents
For My Life Walk Out Youth:
Like the adults, the youth will spend the week in a practical discussion of things like taking ownership of your walk out, trusting God, walking out of iniquity, correct relationships with God, self, and others, and unraveling fear, guilt, and shame (but with a few more activities and interactive teachings).