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    Dr. Henry W. Wright’s Last Letter

    Dr. Henry W. Wright’s Last Letter of Encouragement to His Faithful Friends and Family in the Faith

    Dear Family of the Father and Friends,

    If you are reading this letter, it means that I have departed to be with my Father and the LORD Jesus in heaven, where others before me in Christ have gone to await the First Resurrection.

    I put my hand to the plow while here, did not look back, and have finished the course here on the earth. I have kept the faith and learned how to be an overcomer as the LORD in Revelation Chapters 2, and 3 instructed us to do.

    While this stage of my earthly work is completed, I wanted you to know my thoughts and my heart as if I could still speak to each of you personally today.

    Friends and fellow laborers, while this messenger is gone, the message and vision must continue. What God birthed in knowledge and wisdom is critical to the reformation and transformation of precious people that the Father loves here in the earth while it is yet still called day. That is the power of the gospel. The calling out and the preservation of the seed of God, His sons, His daughters, His Family, and the betrothed eternal wife of Christ, the Church.

    I have seen from the beginning in the Word, God’s plan for the future. Out of every generation, he has and is calling them by his Spirit out of the families and the cities unto himself.

    My mission, and I trust your mission also, will be to join the vision and mission of Hope of the Generations Church and Be in Health as like-minded friends and laborers to establish the Church and generations of overcomers. This exhortation to you is not about me, but it is about all of us. Together we can do this for Him.

    I have been in awe over the years of faithfulness of those who have supported the ministry. On behalf of the Father and the LORD Jesus, I thank you for your past, present, and continued future financial and personal support to what God has birthed on behalf of the generations through Hope of the Generations Church and Be in Health. This team is dedicated to continuing the vision and the mission and will need your prayers and support in these trying times.

    I am thrilled to see the Be in Health partners that have taken a stand with us and said: “Here I am, LORD, use me.” The fields are white to harvest, but the laborers are few. Many speak of their own value and worth, but a faithful man, who can find? This exciting ministry will continue to need and rely on dedicated, like-minded people like yourself, locally and worldwide – for the mission of Be in Health is global for all peoples and all languages for His glory and praise.

    For those dedicated team members that “make it happen,” my hat’s off to all of you… Thanks for your faithfulness, dedication to the mission, and sometimes unseen applause for your efforts. Your reward will be great in heaven, for without the team members, it would not have been possible for me to get too much done by myself. You will be needed and appreciated in the future as the mission of Hope of the Generations Church and Be in Health will continue with great enthusiasm and vigor. I pray that the Father strengthens you by his Spirit, daily.

    For those members of the Hope of the Generations Church family, what can I say? Unity in Diversity. Is that possible? You made it more than possible. Out of your weakness, He was made strong through you. You have set the standard for believing, loving, forgiving, and overcoming in spite of the enemy of our souls. It has been more than a pleasure to be your senior pastor, to guard your souls, and to lead you into green pastures for his name’s sake. Keep up the good work, keep the faith, and endure all things in Him.

    My desire for all is that the vision and mission for God continue unabated through this church, ministry, and A.C.T.S. Global churches that the will of the Father may be accomplished for mankind. Mankind will need all of you. This is not about me; it is about Him and you. Go, Team!

    Love and Regards in Him always,

    Dr. Henry W. Wright

    Senior Pastor of Hope of the Generations Church

    Founder of Be in Health

    Founder of A.C.T.S Global

    By Be in Health| 2019-11-22T14:22:21-05:00 November 22nd, 2019|General, Uncategorized|0 Comments